Esale - Etsy SEO Tool For Etsy Seller
This Etsy SEO tool gets insights from your listings by keywords to help get more exposure for your products.
Optimize your Etsy sales and grow your business
Check Out What The Etsy SEO Tool Can Do

keywords Analysis
Keyword Analysis for Etsy,Empowering Sellers to Enhance Etsy SEO Strategies.
● Quickly extract all tags and performance data of Etsy competitors, with support for one-click copy export, enabling sellers to optimize their listing SEO effortlessly!
● Through this feature, easily access the competition difficulty, monthly views, monthly favorites, monthly sales, monthly reviews, and Google Trends performance of keywords on shop and product. This helps sellers find the most relevant and effective tags for their products!
Listing Analysis
Analysis of Your Etsy Listing And Gives You the Advice To Improve Views
● Analyze your listing title and description to check if they meet the official recommendation rules.
● Automatically identify the categories used in your listing and display the popular tags data in the categories, including the number of used times, the number of views, sales, etc. You can use these data to get a better ranking.
● Automatically check your tags for duplicates, mutual inclusion and display these tags data. It helps you better use the tags to gain exposure and traffic.

Ads Optimizer
Find Out If The Keywords That Lead To Your Ads Have Sales Potential
● Automatically identify and calculate the performance of your listing's organic traffic terms, helping you understand what the high-value traffic terms are.
● Automatically compare the differences between your traffic terms and listing tags, which helps you optimize your listing tags to get more exposure and visit.
Traffic Analysis
Insights Into Trends Of Search Terms For Listings
● Automatically identify and calculate the performance of your listing's organic traffic terms, helping you understand what the high-value traffic terms are
● Automatically compare the differences between your traffic terms and listing tags, which helps you optimize your listing tags to get more exposure and visit

Keywords Search
Find And Learn About The Keywords You Need
● Support active keyword input for searching, and displaying keyword data such as views, sales, competition, etc.
● Provide automatic association and analysis of keywords to discover more relevant keywords for Etsy keyword planning ● Support keyword data batch export and CSV download.
Say goodbye to shop management headaches with Esale.
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