How to selcet products on Etsy?

When choosing Etsy products, don't rely solely on your personal judgment and intuition. Because once you master the right method, you can easily create a series of hit products and achieve success.
I have been deeply involved in the Etsy entrepreneurial field for a year. During this period, I have experienced countless setbacks and difficulties, but I have also accumulated some valuable experience. Now, I want to share with you the product selection ideas I have summarized so that we can move towards a higher road to success together.

1. Tool selection:
In today's fierce market competition, an in-depth understanding of market needs and trends is crucial to selecting the right products. Therefore, it is very important to have an in-depth understanding of the recently popular products and keywords to explore potential product selection directions. With the help of tools such as Google Trends and Esale, you can always keep track of the recommendations of daily popular keywords, or search for the popularity of keywords you want to know about, so as to quickly understand market trends. Esale's keyword database module provides rich keyword data, including the keyword's competition on the Etsy platform, number of collections, number of comments, etc., allowing you to easily find markets with high traffic and low competition, thereby Choose high-quality products that meet market demand and gain the upper hand.

2. Supplier selection:
Suppliers have been in the industry for many years and are well versed in market changes. Their sensitivity to the industry's best-selling products is unparalleled. To this end, we can seek inspiration from Alibaba's best-selling products, learn more product line information from suppliers, and proactively establish contact with suppliers to learn about their unique product recommendations.
Regular communication with suppliers can help us deeply understand market trends and product changes, and explore new product trends and market opportunities. In addition, we can also ask suppliers for their opinions and suggestions on the market, so as to better predict market demand and adjust our product selection strategies to maintain a leading position in the competition.
In short, maintaining close contact with suppliers and actively exploring market information and new product opportunities is crucial for us to carry out refined operations and optimize product selection strategies.

3. Other cross-border platform product selections:
In the field of e-commerce, Amazon, Ebay and AliExpress are three very popular cross-border e-commerce platforms. However, compared to these platforms, although Etsy is slightly less well-known, its audience and market size in niche areas It has unique advantages. In terms of purchasing power, Etsy users are also obviously stronger. Therefore, we can exploit the differences between these platforms to discover information about hot-selling products on other platforms and transfer them to the Etsy platform in order to achieve good sales results. This approach can not only take advantage of a wider audience on the Etsy platform, but also bring more business opportunities and development space for sellers.

4. Social media selection:
Using overseas social media platforms, such as Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Youtube, etc., can bring us more product and creative inspiration and further expand our horizons and ideas. By following current hot topics and accounts related to your own interests, you can not only obtain the latest product information and market trends, but also explore potential suppliers and business opportunities.