How to choose what to sell on ETSY?

As an original handmade crafts platform, Etsy showcases countless high-quality products every day. As individual sellers, we often face the challenge of running out of inspiration and struggle to expand our product lines to bring fresh traffic to our stores. In this article, let's discuss how to overcome this dilemma.

1.Reference Competitors
Competitors are the best teachers. When optimizing our store listings, we often refer to the dynamics of our competitors. However, this does not mean encouraging plagiarism. Instead, we should learn from how our competitors operate. This includes studying their images, keywords, pricing, advertising, and other aspects. We should identify what is worth learning and combine it with our own thinking and judgment. By applying these insights to our products that have average sales, we can regularly review and evaluate whether the expected results are achieved.

2. Market Data for Inspiration
Many sellers encounter bottlenecks when selecting products, and our personal inspiration may sometimes run dry. It's important to acknowledge and adjust our mindset because this is a phase that every seller goes through. To overcome this, we can explore trendy websites to find inspiration. Platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc., can provide insights into what people are currently discussing. It's worth noting that different age groups may use different apps, so joining interest groups on these platforms can help us discover more potential ideas ahead of other sellers.

To analyze multiple keyword data, we can use the tool Esale's Compare Keyword feature: This tool allows us to identify products related to ours and select the most competitive ones or the best-performing products in the same category. We can examine their historical sales, keyword layout, and use them as benchmarks to continuously optimize our own products.

Additionally, we should not overlook the inspiration available directly from the Etsy platform itself. Etsy introduces a large number of new products every day, which can serve as a great source of inspiration. By opening an Etsy website with an unlogged account (to avoid personalized recommendations), we can search for relevant product keywords and filter the results to view the latest market trends.

If you want to expand your keyword database and discover new keywords, you can manually input keywords in the tool and use filtering conditions to explore keyword data: Here, you can assess the difficulty, potential, and trends of various related keywords. By analyzing monthly search volume, you can gauge the popularity of products under current search conditions. This tool is highly useful.

3. Comment Analysis Feature
Etsy receives thousands of new comments every day. If you are unsure about the quality of a particular product you want to sell, the quickest and most direct way is to refer to the comments on similar products. By utilizing the AI comment analysis feature, you can quickly grasp customer feedback and their usage experiences, whether positive or negative. This feature significantly enhances efficiency.

By following these strategies, we can overcome the challenge of running out of ideas and continuously bring fresh and innovative products to our Etsy stores. Remember, staying informed about market trends, analyzing competitors, and leveraging customer feedback are essential for success on Etsy.